Papillon Anti-Aging Rejuvenation Serum therapy
- Papillon Anti-Aging Rejuvenation Serum therapy (AARS) is the newest, state-of-the-art autologous cytokine therapy from Germany:
- Utilizes autologous (your own) cytokines (Immuno-proteins) from your own white blood cells to stop skin aging
- Utilizes your own skin regenerative factors to accelerate skin regeneration
This two-pronged approach promotes boundless beauty for your aging skin
- Pathophysiology:
- Instigating factors for skin aging: age, ultra-violet rays in the sun, air pollution, staying up late, incorrect eating habits
- Instigating factors (mentioned above) will stimulate aging (or injured) skin cells to produce “destructive” proteins, matrix metalloproteinases or MMP:
- MMPs will decompose and destroy the natural skin tissues (collagen fibers, elastin fibers, proteoglycan, hyaluronic acid and other structural skin tissues)
- MMPs will inhibit the skin from producing new tissues
- MMPs will trigger irreversible damage to the skin along with skin dehydration, dryness, reduced elasticity and increased wrinkles. Once this happens, the skin will not return to the normal, healthy state, and this aging problem will only get worse as we age
- Proprietary Technology
- White blood cells from your own body are stimulated to produce special protective cytokines (family of Interleukine immuno-proteins) and a variety of skin regenerative factors:
- Interleukine cytokines: stop the skin from the continuous attack by the “destructive” MMP proteins
- Skin regenerative factors: help the skin to produce structural proteins that is used to make our skin such as collagen, elastin, proteoglycan, and hyaluronic acid. These newly regenerated structural proteins will improve skin wrinkles, roughness, dryness, sagging and other aging problems
- Systemic injection of AARS can achieve effective anti-aging effects (which is documented by the significant reduction of inflammation index¹) in our bodies
- White blood cells from your own body are stimulated to produce special protective cytokines (family of Interleukine immuno-proteins) and a variety of skin regenerative factors:
Therefore, the combination of protective anti-destructive cytokines and cell regenerative factors will slow down skin destruction, activate skin tissues and increase the ability to self-repair, so that the skin is maintained in a beautiful, healthy condition
¹ Exokine publications

Dermokine AS Anti-Aging Therapy
The first center in 2020 to offer the most innovative, revolutionary procedure, Stem-kine Adipose-derived Stromal Vascular Fraction (AD-SVF), from Italy for tissue regeneration
- Adipose tissue was first used during the First World War to promote the healing of soldiers’ wounds
- After a century, researchers have discovered that fat has one of the highest deposits of mesenchymal stem cells with very high regenerative potential for skin repair¹
- Autologous AD-SVF is harvested through an atraumatic process (brand new proprietary technology) which limits cell stress, thus not impairing their trophic, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative activity
- The undisrupted extracellular adipose matrix is able to act as a natural scaffold for cells by improving their vitality and contributing to tissue regeneration
- These AD-SVF cells can differentiate into specialized cells, but more importantly, they can respond to local stimuli coming from a degenerated tissue and release molecules, such as growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines to promote healing
- Given that aging and skin destruction is an ongoing process, the most important mission is to stop the continual destruction. Therefore, in addition to the regenerative potential of SVF, the addition of anti-destructive, anti-aging cytokines from the Papillon therapy, will deliver the most scientific and effective way to rejuvenate your skin
¹ SVF Literature
Aesthetic Medicine
- Eyelid surgery
- Double eyelid surgery
- Upper eyelid wrinkle removal surgery
- Lower eyelid wrinkle removal surgery
- Facial wrinkle removal surgery
- Forehead wrinkle removal surgery
- Wrinkle removal of temporal area
- Cheeks and neck wrinkle removal surgery
- Hyaluronic acid injection
- Botox wrinkle removal injection
- Vitamin C ion Mesotherapy